We deliver on our mission by launching Technology GrandChallenges that result in breakthrough innovations for Europe and democracies
GrandChallenges are competitions focusing on topics that are too risky or too long term for the private sector, but that would have a major, gamechanging economic, strategic and societal impact if successfully developed.
Open to all, big or small, famous or unknown, we remove all bureaucratic barriers to ensure bold, non-linear thinking, while being extremely demanding in terms of achieving measurable breakthroughs, in the shortest possible time.
We require participants ("Performers") of our GrandChallenges to bring it to the level of a prototype: this then allows the ecosystem to scale the breakthroughs and make them accessible to society—this is our end goal. Performers always retain the main IP of their findings.
In order to craft the GrandChallenges, JEDI is developing unique forecasting insights on emerging technologies, with a deep technological analysis, as well as their related societal and geopolitical implications.
These analysis are delivered in multiple ways (technology reports, moonshot ideation days, high level technology meetings, policy briefings, CEO reports, a.o.), and open to all those part of the Joint European Disruptive Initiative.